Hey Watchmakers! It's been a busy year for us here on Watch Material. Sometimes it's hard to keep up with everything going on out there. We've been busy with orders and creating the new website. But recently, we've gotten a chance to join the twitterverse - and you are on twitter - make sure to say hi. You can find us on twitter @watchmaterial! We'll be tweeting about watch parts, our helpful DIY videos, and our #wotd (watch of the day).
Another way to keep in touch with us is through instagram! We're now instagramming some of our favorite watch parts, watches, and DIY tips. You can find us on instagram @watchmaterial!
Make sure to say hi on whatever social platform you prefer. We've also got a page on Facebook and Google +, And it's the best way to keep in touch with the latest videos, tips, and watchmaker advice.